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Sapere Aude: Goethe-Institut USA Essay Competition Submission

Please fill out your information below and upload your essay submission as a Word and PDF file with the following format: Last Name_First Name_School Name_Kantessay. The submission deadline is October 3rd at 12pm ET. We will not be accepting late submissions.

For questions regarding the completion of this form, please contact

(This question is mandatory)
First Name
(This question is mandatory)
Last Name
(This question is mandatory)
E-mail address
(This question is mandatory)
Secondary e-mail address
(This question is mandatory)
School name
(This question is mandatory)
School address
(This question is mandatory)
Current education level
(This question is mandatory)
What course/subject are you completing this competition in affiliation with?
(This question is mandatory)
Which topic did you write your essay about?
(This question is mandatory)
What is your first language?
(This question is mandatory)
In which language did you write your essay?
(This question is mandatory)
Do you confirm that your essay submission is between 1500 and 2000 words?
(This question is mandatory)

Do you confirm that you abided by the following honor code?

By participating in this essay competition, you agree to use AI tools like language models responsibly. You should only utilize them for brainstorming, research, and drafting, acknowledging and citing any AI-generated content used. Furthermore, you commit to academic integrity by avoiding plagiarism and ensuring that your work reflects your own critical thinking and creativity and cites all sources used. Violating this honor code may result in disqualification from the competition.

Please upload your essay submission as a Word document here with the following format:
Last Name_First Name_School Name_Kantessay
(This question is mandatory)
Please upload your essay submission as a PDF here with the following format:
Last Name_First Name_School Name_Kantessay

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If you send the data entered in the form by clicking on the "Submit" button, you agree to this. that we use your data to respond to your request or to contact you. You can object to the use of the data by sending an email to If you revoke your consent, your data will be deleted immediately. Otherwise, your data will be deleted after your request has been processed or if the purpose for which it was stored no longer applies.

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