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Alternative Futures: Call for Application

Lab: Digital Rights and Digital Freedoms

A 2-day lab bringing together civil society organisations, activists, researchers, and litigators to exchange concepts and strategies.

Hosted by Tactical Tech and Internet Freedom Foundation in partnership with Goethe-Institut and Quicksand Design Studio

Location: Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, 3, KG Marg, New Delhi

Dates: October 17 - 18, 2024

Application Deadline: Monday, October 7, 2024

What to expect:

This workshop brings together experts from various disciplines to explore the transformative effects of living in an increasingly platformised world. We will reflect on how social relations are being redefined as essential services integrate into platform ecosystems. Participants will examine whether it's possible to escape the reality of data collection, processing, and surveillance in nearly every human exchange. We will also explore the rise of public-private partnerships that disrupt power dynamics and democratic values.

Moving beyond diagnosis, we will consider solutions, discuss accountability regimes, advocacy strategies, and assess regulation in different political contexts. Finally, we will focus on reimagining alternative futures, exploring platform ownership and governance models to foster more equitable, user-centric digital spaces.

What will you gain:

  1. Take part in sharing knowledge with civil society institutions from Germany and India who work on similar themes.
  2. Create a foundation for long-term collaboration and mutual learning
  3. Develop joint strategies and projects that address the challenges and opportunities of digital democracy, leveraging the collective expertise of participants from diverse backgrounds.
  4. Create prototypes of digital applications and spaces that promote more participatory, inclusive, and transparent futures, serving as tangible examples of the potential for technology to support democratic values.
  5. Contribute to the broader discourse on the future of democracy in the digital age.

You are:

  1. Currently working with a civil society organization (CSO) that focuses on digital rights/freedoms, free speech, digital empowerment, or any other cross-cutting human rights themes?
  2. Currently working with governmental or non-governmental agencies on developing/monitoring/operationalizing platforms in the public sector?
  3. Representing worker unions affected by platformisation?
  4. Working on a specific project or initiative that addresses the above?
  5. Familiar with the challenges of platformisation and how this affects humans, human interactions, and human rights?
  6. Interested in knowledge sharing on these themes with CSOs from Germany and India?

Register now and join Alternative Futures in Delhi.

More about the project Alternative Futures.

There are 9 questions in this survey.
(This question is mandatory)
Organization or company name
(This question is mandatory)
Your name
(This question is mandatory)
Your designation
(This question is mandatory)
Your E-Mail
(This question is mandatory)
Have you been involved in any initiative or project pertaining to the broad areas of platformisation, digital rights, welfare service delivery, gig platforms and worker rights, or digital public infrastructure? What were your key learnings and how could this experience contribute to workshop discussions?
Relevant project links
if applicable
(This question is mandatory)
(Choose One: Civil society, Academic, State/state-funded agency, NGO, Thinktank, Law firm, Consultancy, Other)
(This question is mandatory)
From your view, how can the increasing platformisation of essential services and public infrastructure affect human rights, entitlements, and freedoms?
(This question is mandatory)

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